Tuesday, March 17, 2009

principles of design

Unity: This is the arrangement of one or more of the elements used to create a feeling of completeness. In other words, everything in the work seems to belong and contribute to the overall picture.

variety: an image that shows different kind of elements and principles to attract the eye.

Movement can be achieved through lines, repetition of shapes, or any of the elements. When your eye keeps looking around the composition you have movement.

Rhythm:Rhythm can be described as timed movement through space; an easy, connected path along which the eye follows a regular arrangement of objects.

Pattern: This is the repetition of certain elements (like color or line) in a work of art.
Repetition is created when objects, shapes, space, light, direction, lines etc. are repeated in artwork.

Balance: Balance is the concept of visual equilibrium. It is a relationship of opposing forces in a composition that results in visual stability. Most successful compositions achieve balance in one of two ways: symmetrically or asymmetrically. When a composition is balanced both sides have equal weight. When it is unbalanced you tend to look more to one side of the composition.

Emphasis: Emphasis is also referred to as point of focus. When there is one thing that most strongly draws the viewer’s attention. A leading line, a high key value, and negative space can create emphasis.

Contrast: This is the use of opposites near or beside one another. For example: a light object next to a dark object or a rough texture next to a smooth texture. Complimentary colors also contrast. Contrast tends to add a certain amount of drama and energy to a work of art.

Elements of Design

Space: This is what we say when we are discussing the distance or area between, above, below, around or within things that appear in a work of art. Some space is two-dimensional, three-dimensional, positive (part of an object) or negative (the space around an object).

Form: Form is an element of art that refers to an object that has three dimensions

Value: Value is the variation of light and dark on the surface of an object that appears in a work of art. Think shadows, darkness, contrast, and light.

Color: Color is what the eyes see when light is reflected off an object. The primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The secondary colors are orange, violet & green.

Texture: This refers to the way things feel, or look as though they might feel, if they were touched. Sand looks rough ... a stuffed animal looks soft. Artists who played around with texture were concerned with the sensations of touch in a sculpture or the illusion of touch differences in a drawing or painting.

Shape: An enclosed space defined by other art elements of art. In painting or drawing, shapes may appear to be solid, three-dimensional objects even though they have only two dimensions (length and width). The two-dimensional characteristics of a shape, distinguish it from form, which has three dimensions (depth + length + width).

LINE: It's an identifiable path of a point moving in space. It can vary in width, direction, and length.

Thursday, March 12, 2009